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The Extensive Self-Healing Journey #1 Best Seller 2023
""Hands down, the best book for deep expansion and profound healing through the power of precise questions I've ever seen" - Stacey. O
“The descriptions in the book on how to do each exercise are excellent. There are three parts to the book. The first section has information on developing your lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
“The descriptions in the book on how to do each exercise are excellent. There are three parts to the book. The first section has information on developing your lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
“The descriptions in the book on how to do each exercise are excellent. There are three parts to the book. The first section has information on developing your lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
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I discovered shadow work through an extensive self-healing journey i took due to chronic illness symptoms that could not be rectified through Eastern and Western medicine but instead required an extensive multipronged approach to improve my symptoms.
Shadow work provided immediate relief from the constant tension I felt for a long time.
While my physical did indeed take longer to remedy, they eventually slowly let up in frequency and severety. I realized that with enough discovery into the way my mind is programmed, I can reconfigure any flawed data and find absolute relief in the future.
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